We have an active pupil voice which contributes to school improvements for all children. We value pupil voice and encourage children to become involved in the life of the school as much as possible.
Pupil voice consists of several groups of children: the School Council, Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs), a charity events team, Year 6 pupil prefects and ambassadors, Head Boy and Head Girl, House Captains, playground buddies, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Librarians, Young Leaders and Huff and Puff monitors, as well as countless classroom based responsibilities that all children are expected to contribute to.
Pupil Feedback on Curriculum
As well as pupil led responsibilities we also highly value the opinion and viewpoint of the children when it comes to their learning. Each term we ask children to assess the quality and range of their learning in the planned topics through pupil conferencing in all subjects.
This informs subject leaders about pupil learning and attitudes, it informs their teacher assessments and planning and helps to identify where modifications may be made.
Twice a year, a pupil attitude survey is also conducted, which helps to set the agenda for the school council as well as the curriculum school strategic plan.
If you wish to get into contact with any members of the pupil voice team, please contact them via the school office email and your request will be passed onto the relevant team.