Personal Development Learning (PDL)
At Hook Junior School, PDL is embedded throughout our curriculum to give depth to the children’s understanding and allow them to gain experiences in a range of contexts. PDL is a holistic term that includes:
- Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
- Relationships and Sex Education (RHSE)
- Citizenship
PDL helps to develop children’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. It helps them to form and maintain positive relationships with others, based on mutual respect, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We believe PDL enables children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In so doing we help to develop their sense of self-worth. We teach the children how society is organised and governed. We ensure that they experience the process of democracy in school through teaching and the school council. We teach them about rights, respect and responsibilities and they learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society.
Through our PSHE and RSE lessons, both embedded and discrete, our children explore their emotional and mental health and well-being, aspects of safeguarding and how to keep themselves and others safe, developing a healthy lifestyle (including healthy eating), develop financial awareness, learn about British values and citizenship, bullying (including cyber bullying) and drug, tobacco, and alcohol education. We recognise the value of our community in developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of PDL.
Curriculum Enrichment

At Hook Junior School, the curriculum is enriched and enhanced throughout the year through a range of visits such as to:
- London (City)
- Lepe Country Park (Beach)
- Gilbert White Field Study Centre (Rivers)
- Marchants Hill (Residential)
In addition, we host visitors, theatre groups and curriculum workshops. These include:
- Anti-bullying art workshop
- Local faith leaders from the Christian, Hindu and Islamic faiths
- Iron Age and Viking Workshops
- Samba Music Workshop
- RAF coding workshops
- Presentation from Thames Water
- Fleet Scoop speaker
- Astronomy Evening
- Young Shakespeare Company
- Science Career Fair
- Mental Health talk – No Limits
- NSPCC ‘Speak out Stay Safe’
- Presentation from the Houses of Parliament
- Water Safety Talk from Hart Leisure

Each year group participates in termly Learning Events and/or Productions. Highlights include:
- Showcases of learning
- Year 3 Easter Production
- Year 4 Christmas Production
- Year 5 Science Presentation
- Year 6 End of Year Production
- Parent working alongside workshops
Within our school we encourage children to take on responsibilities such as:
- School Council Reps
- Sports Leaders
- Digital Leader
- Prefects
- Eco Warriors
- Junior Road Safety Officers
- Art ambassador
We recognise the value of our community in developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of PDL. Our school community fundraises and participates in a variety of charity events. This year our focused charities have been Guide Dogs for the Blind, Shooting Stars Children’s Hospice, Red Nose Day and Children in Need.