E-safety is an important subject - not just for young people, but for parents too. We realise that as a parent it can be really hard to keep up with the latest apps and websites, understand the social significance of online tools for your children and the implications for your child's safety.

We aren't able to provide all the information you need as parents in order to help guide and manage your child's use of the Internet and social media, but we can provide some guidance and resources that you might find useful in encouraging your children to be responsible and mature digital citizens.

As a parent, we hope you find the content we offer in these e-safety pages a valuable resource and point of reference. We encourage you to engage with your children and regularly discuss areas of e-safety with them and the importance of conducting yourself responsibly and respectfully online.

In addition to providing this guide, we cover e-safety during class at school as a part of children's personal, social and health education (PHSE).

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Image adapted under Creative Commons License from an original work by Ken Teegardin

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.