Home School Agreement

The Home School Agreement explains the terms under which Hook Junior School, Parents and Pupils will engage.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Provide a safe, nurturing learning environment for your child to attend.
  • Care for your child’s safety and happiness.
  • Monitor your child’s punctuality and attendance in line with their achievement, behaviour and wellbeing.
  • Inform you when there are concerns about your child’s attendance and punctuality.


  • Offer a cost-effective, easily accessible school uniform.
  • which promotes a sense of pride community and belonging.

Home / School

  • Work together in constructive partnership with parents and carers for the benefit of their child.
  • Set your child regular Home Learning tasks, including reading, times tables, spellings, maths and literacy work.
  • Keep you informed of your child’s progress, learning and well-being, through meetings, learning consultations, parents’ evenings and an annual written report.
  • Keep you informed about general school matters through regular communication.
  • Contact you as soon as possible if we are concerned about your child’s progress, behaviour, attendance or well-being.
  • Respond to you as soon as possible if you contact us.


  • Plan a meaningful, enjoyable curriculum that engages children, meets their different needs and motivates them to learn.
  • Encourage and motivate children to always do their best and enable them to achieve their best in all areas of learning.
  • Provide a range of extra-curricular activities designed to enrich your child’s school experience.
  • Enable your child to understand that success and achievement can come with effort.


  • Have high expectations for work and behaviour, fostering respectful relationships and helping to develop a sense of rights and responsibilities.
  • Implement positive behaviour management strategies and develop a policy that supports this.
  • Develop children socially, morally, spiritually and culturally within the school values and British Values.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Make sure my child arrives at school on time, correctly dressed in school uniform and ready for the day ahead.
  • Fully support the school Attendance Policy. Avoid taking holidays or days out during the school term. Seek authority from the Headteacher for any absences.
  • Contact the school each day of my child’s absence.
  • Make arrangements for my child’s safe journey to and from school and ensure that they are collected on time at the end of the day.


  • Ensure my child attends school in the correct school uniform and shoes.
  • Ensure my child’s school uniform and PE kit is smart and clean.
  • Ensure my child has the correct PE kit.

Home / School

  • Support my child to complete their Home Learning Activities - maths, literacy and spelling and regularly listening to reading, ensuring they are all completed on time.
  • Ensure that my child reads every night and that their reading record is completed, signed and returned to school.
  • Ensure that the school is informed immediately of any change to contact details.
  • Attend learning consultations and discussions about my child’s progress, achievement and social development.
  • Reply to any school correspondence.
  • Ensure that no negative, personal or adverse comments about children, staff or the school are posted on any social networks or websites, including Facebook.
  • Be respectful and considerate towards all members of the school and the local community.


  • Speak to school staff about any concerns or circumstances that might affect my child’s work, attitude or behaviour.
  • Help my child to be healthy in mind and body.
  • Help my child to understand that success and achievement can come with effort.


  • Support my child’s education at Hook Junior School under its values and policies by encouraging high standards, a positive attitude and good behaviour.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Come to school every day on time.


  • Wear my school uniform and school shoes.
  • Wear the correct school PE kit.

Home / School

  • Bring everything I need to school on the day it is required.
  • Look after any books or other school property that I borrow.
  • Complete my home learning – spelling, times tables, maths and literacy, on time and return it completed to school.
  • Read daily at home and record what I have done in my reading record.
  • Tell an adult if something is making me sad or angry.
  • Tell a teacher or someone at home if I find my work difficult.


  • Always try my best and work to my full potential in all aspects of my learning.


  • Be a good ambassador for the school by obeying the school rules both in school, during extra-curricular activities and while on off-site activities:
    • Be gentle.
    • Be kind and helpful.
    • Work hard.
    • Look after property.
    • Be respectful to all adults and each other.
    • Listen to others.
    • Be honest.
    • Be polite.