Absence and Attendance

All absences must be reported to the school office on each day of your child’s absence. A letter is required when your child returns to school, addressed to the class teacher and explaining the absence. If a letter is not received the absences will be recorded as unauthorised.

Our Attendance Policy clearly and comprehensively explains the attendance expectations we have of all pupils.

We recommend that all parents read Hampshire County Council's Good School Attendance Guide. The document explains the importance of consistently good attendance and how good attendance will benefit your child's learning and social development. It also explains the effects of poor attendance and the circumstances for which authorised absence may be granted.

Parents should also read the Hampshire County Council Penalty Notice Advice to Parents and Carers leaflet and the Attendance Code of Conduct.

Detailed guidance for parents and carers has been published on the Hampshire County Council web pages.

We have previously shared a letter explaining our absence policy and Leave Of Absence During Term Time Guidance and Request For Pupil Absence form.

Attendance Ladder

How close is your child to 100%?

Days off Attenance % Status
0 days off school 100% Perfection
Equates to 2 days off school each year 99% Excellent
Equates to 5 days off school each year 97% Good
Equates to 10 days off school each yeaf 95% Slight concern
Equates to 20 days off school each year 90% Concerned
Equates to 30 days off school each year 85% Very concerned