Exceptional Weather and School Closures

Exceptional Weather

In the event of exceptional weather, we will advise of any changes to arrangements, including any concessions to the uniform policy. Advice we offer will be response to guidance from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Met Office. The Met Office has a dedicated page for Heat Health and a page for Weather Warnings.

School Closures

From time to time, events beyond our control will mean that the school has to be closed in order to maintain the safety of the children and staff who attend each day. We define such an instance as 'an event which threatens the safety of children, staff or the school premises'.

The School takes any decision to close very seriously and acknowledges that closure may have significant impact upon arrangements that parents and carers will need to make in order to care for their children if they are not attending school.

The school considers the factors that may contribute to a closure with the School Policies in mind at all times. We also liaise with Hook Infant School to reach our decision, which may result in the closure of both schools.

Make Sure We Can Contact You

In order for us to effectively communicate with you, it is essential that we hold a record of your current contact details. We ask all parents and carers to provide us with appropriate conact details at the start of the Academic year. If your contact details have changed since the start of the Academic year in September, please advise us of these changes by contacting the school office.

Communicating With You

In the event of a closure, we will communicate with you formally using these mediums: