Information for Parents

My child is unwell - should they go to school today?

If your child is unwell, you should consider whether their condition means that they should still attend school.

To help you decide whether your child should attend school we recommend that you consult the NHS Live Well website pages which offer advice on common and uncommon conditions.

School Uniform

Our School Uniform applies year round and includes a number of items bearing the school logo.

Uniform requirements are explained in detail on our School Uniform page, where we include details of how to purchase uniform items.

We recommend that all parents and carers read the Home School Agreement which explains the partnership between the school, our staff, attending children and you as their parents or carers. You should also be familiar with our Absence and Attendance expectations, which are based on the County wide expectations of Hampshire County Council.

We publish a newsletter for Parents and Carers on Friday of each week during term time. The newsletter contains information about current and forthcoming school activities. Newsletters from the Headteacher and Board of Governors are shared on a termly basis.

Please refer to the Clubs page for details of all clubs currently on offer and timetable.

Learning concepts for each term and the topic we follow to deliver these are available for you to read in our Curriculum pages.

Please contact the school office if you require any further information or assistance.