Home Learning Resources
Home learning with Seesaw
Access to Seesaw, our learning platform, is below and is presented alongside a number of other resources (like Times Table Rock Stars). A printed copy of your child's Seesaw username and password will be sent home by the school early in the Autumn term. Please read these instructions carefully.
In order for your child to use Seesaw, you must give consent for your child to access the Seesaw platform using the information we already hold. Do this now by completing a brief survey.
We have prepared a short video guide to explain the Seesaw login process - watch this video before you attempt to login.
Where to go when you have logged on:
- Check the inbox for announcements from your teacher to welcome you and give you any important updates.
- Check the journal area for whole class messages from your teacher. Please be aware your teacher and your class can see your comments here.
- Check the activities area for suggested work activities and to respond to the work if needed. Only you and your teacher will be able to comment to each other in activities.
How your teacher will respond
Your teacher may ‘like’ any work you post. If they need to add notes or comments they will do so, but they may not provide feedback on every piece of work. Teachers will try to respond within two working days.
How you should be using Seesaw
Please remember that Seesaw is a learning platform and is not social media. These are our school rules for Seesaw:
- Adopt the appropriate tone between teacher and pupil.
- You can change your profile picture but must not change your name.
- Always be polite in any comments and respond appropriately.
- Remember that your teacher can see your comments!
- Teachers will contact parents if they are concerned about your use of Seesaw.
Online Safety
It's important for you to stay safe when working online. We recommend that you visit the Thinkuknow website as part of your learning. There are resources for children of all ages and parents too.
Sora Reading
Occasionally SeeSaw may be unavailable due to technical issues. If you have difficulty accessing SeeSaw, please check the SeeSaw Status Page before requesting further assistance from your teacher, or the school.
Using SeeSaw on a mobile or tablet? Download SeeSaw class app from Google Play or the Apple Store.
Resources for Year Groups
Your Teacher might ask you to use these pages in class.