Parenting Support

Parenting or caring for children can be challenging and there are a number of resources that can help you and your family cope with the changing needs of your children as they grow.

Hampshire Specialist Parenting Support Services

The Hampshire Specialist Parenting Support Services (HSPSS) service provides parenting support programmes for parents and carers who have children diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), are displaying troubling or challenging behaviours, conduct disorder and anti-social behaviour including child to parent violence

Southern Health NHS School Nursing

The NHS School Nursing pages provides advice, guidance and support resources for parents in a range of physical, emotional and social subjects that may be relevant to children as they grow.


ParentZone provides information and advice for parents and carers in order to help children be safer online and able to cope with the challenges associated with the online world. A library of resources related to all aspects of online life, ParentZone is a comprehensive point of reference for understanding and managing your childs online presence and experiences. for ParentZone expands upon much of the information in our own e-Safety guide.