Letters for Parents

We publish a newsletter for Parents and Carers on Friday of each week during term time. The newsletter contains information about current and forthcoming school activities. Newsletters from the Headteacher and Board of Governors are shared on a termly basis.

The school regularly publishes a variety of additional letters to parents. These documents will share information about school or extra curricular activities, invite parents to grant permission for their child to participate and occasionally communicate events taking place in the local community that the school supports or is participating in.

Letters to Parents are published in Adobe PDF format.

pdf Parents Newsletter 21 January 2022
pdf Parents Newsletter 14 January 2022
pdf Parents Newsletter 7 January 2022
pdf New Year New Books for January 2022
pdf Parents Newsletter 17 December 2021
pdf Kings Theatre Christmas Workshop
pdf Parents Newsletter 10 December 2021
pdf Parents Newsletter 3 December 2021
pdf Parents Newsletter 26 November 2021
pdf Parents Newsletter 19 November 2021
pdf NHS Mental Health Triage Service
pdf Parents Newsletter 12 November 2021
pdf Parents Newsletter 5 November 2021
pdf Parents Newsletter 22 October 2021
pdf Parents Newsletter 15 October 2021
pdf What parents and carers need to know about Tik Tok
pdf Parents Newsletter 8 October 2021
pdf Parents Newsletter 1 October 2021
pdf Parents Newsletter 24 September 2021
pdf Advice regarding Covid 19